
This is a homoeopathic medicine which assists with weight control by relieving: • mild water retention.

Adonis vernalis helps relieve water retention in the extremities and promotes flow of urine. Antimonium crudum regulates digestion and reduces the tendency to grow fat. Calcarea acetica assists in improving nutrient assimilation. Calcarea carbonica has a deep action on states of impaired nutrition and on the glands, skin and bones. It helps regulate thyroid and pituitary function and treats the tendency in children to grow fat. Capsicum annuum is indicated for individuals whose body tissues have lax fibre, are weak and who are overweight due to an aversion to exercise. Fucus vesiculosus regulates thyroid function to treat obesity and improve digestion. Graphites is indicated for its ability to relieve skin eruptions and constipation in individuals who are generally stout and of fair complexion. Phytolacca decandra acts on the glandular system to help regulate weight. Silicea acts to correct impaired nutrient assimilation and consequent defective nutritional status. In so doing a tendency to eat incorrect foods will be minimized


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