How do I earn points?
  1. Sign up here or in store
  2. Receive your loyalty card in store (online applications must collect their card in store)
  3. Scan your loyalty card when purchasing
  4. Earn 1% back from your total purchase
    Excludes selected items (Term’s & Condition’s apply)
  5. Every point earned is valued at R1.00
Stay Connected
Giving back to charity

1% of loyalty card holders purchase will go towards the Robin Hood Foundation & other registered charities at Broadway Pharmacy’s discretion.

T’s & C’s apply

Gift vouchers

Loyalty card holders can enjoy benefits such as:

  • Promotions
  • 2 for 1
  • Buy 3 get the cheapest free
  • Double points on selected items
  • Pensioners get 4% of your purchase back in points

and much more in store!

Terms and Conditions

Use of the Broadway Pharmacy Loyalty Card will be subject to the current version of these terms and conditions published which will be given to you on signing up. Should you have any queries you may contact our Loyalty Admin office Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 4.30pm on 031 9414462 or email us on

If you do not accept these terms and conditions, you may not use the loyalty card or benefit from applicable discounts issued to you.

Broadway Pharmacy Loyalty Card members have the right, in accordance with the relevant legislation, to obtain access to his/her personal information held by Broadway Pharmacy, to request correction, destruction or deletion of his/her personal information.

The value of points accumulated on the member’s Broadway Pharmacy Loyalty Card can be used for payment of selected purchases at Broadway Pharmacy. Items purchased through points redeemed may not be returned or replaced with cash. Points earned through unauthorized use of the Broadway Pharmacy Loyalty Card will not be honoured.

In the event of any abuse or fraud being committed by any person in respect of the Loyalty Card, Broadway Pharmacy reserves the right to take appropriate action against the responsible person and all points accrued may be forfeited and the loyalty Card Revoked.

One percent of Loyalty Card holder’s qualifying sale will be converted to points. (One point is valued at one Rand) It should be noted that no points, benefits and/or rewards will be earned or awarded in respect of any goods and/or services where the earning or awarding of such are prohibited by any legislation in the Republic of South Africa.

In respect of pensioners (60 years plus) four percent of the loyalty cardholder’s sale will be converted into points. Extra bonus points will not be available with regard to pensioner cards (i.e. double bonus point promotions). Benefits and/or rewards will be earned or awarded in respect of any goods and/or services where the earning or awarding of such are prohibited by any legislation in the Republic of South Africa.

Broadway Pharmacy Loyalty point points and other promotional points earned for transactions where goods are later returned will be deducted from the holder’s loyalty card and are subject to the Broadway Pharmacies returns policy.

Items excluded from the earning of loyalty points include, but are not limited to: Baby formula, as prohibited by legislation, gift card and loyalty card redemptions; bags; and prescription medication. In the instance of Lost, stolen or damaged loyalty cards, it should be reported to customer services at Lost, stolen or damaged cards will be replaced in store on presentation of positive identification. If any points on the card have been redeemed in store before the card is reported as lost or stolen, there can be no subsequent recovery of the points. Broadway Pharmacy cannot be held liable for loss of loyalty card points or monetary value thereof.

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